1999 New England Regional
Summer Camp

August 13 -   It was a cloudy Friday when people started arriving for the first USMA New England Regional Summer Camp,  but neither clouds nor rain could stop the energy that was present when Joseph McPherson, Camp Director and Instructor of Moontide II Martial Arts, started directing families to their campsites at the Mountain View Campgrounds in Dixfield, Maine.  By 7:00 PM everyone had set up their tents, cooked supper,  and the kids were gathered around the campfire. Introductions of the guest instructors were made by Mr. McPherson. Present were:
Sifu Winchell P.C. Woo, Grandmaster of  Hung Gar Fu Hok (Hung Family Tiger/Crane), USMA Director of Kung Fu, and 1999 MAMPL Hall of Fame Grandmaster of the Year,  from Chicopee, MA
 Sensei Kenneth Melbourne, 10th dan Kempo Jitsu, USMA Director of Kempo-jitsu, and 1998 MAMPL Hall of Fame Founder of the Year,  from Bradford, RI
Sensei Kenneth Miarecki, 10th dan Sen-i Ryu Budo, 6th dan Judo/Ju-jitsu, New England Seminar Director, and 1998 MAMPL Hall of Fame Master Instructor of the Year,  from Springfield, MA
Sensei James Carey, 8th dan Ju-jitsu, 6th dan Judo, Maine Seminar Director, and 1999 MAMPL Hall of Fame Instructor of the Year,  from Rumford, Maine. 
Saturday morning came with heavy rains but Mr. McPherson had planned for any contingency. Situated on the campground was a huge Quonset structure 50 ft by 100 ft where two sets of mats were already laid out. Sensei Melbourne and Sifu Woo taught for 3 hours to 45 students of all ages, fascinating everyone present with their precision of technique and depth of knowledge in their arts. Tired but happy, everyone broke for lunch and a swim in the outdoor pool.
After lunch, Sensei's Carey and Miarecki taught another 3 hours completing a full Budo day. By now, everyone was ready for the free spaghetti dinner and a night of relaxing. Because of the heavy rain, a "community sleep area" was arranged on the mats in the Quonset and thanks to the efforts of Dave Saphire, Cheral Finlay, Linda Berry, and Ron Chartier, who chaperoned the kids for the week-end, everyone was out like a light by midnight.
Sunday saw another round of seminars, with Sensei Carey demonstrating correct Kappo (Resuscitation) for Shime waza victims, and Sensei Miarecki discussing the History of Martial Arts. By lunch time everyone was ready to receive their "Certificates of  Participation"  and head home to practice their new skills.
Even though the summer camp was officially over, their was one other event which should be mentioned. 
Ruth Howard, Head Sensei of Coastal Martial Arts which boasts over 200 students, has become a member of the USMA. We look forward to her contributions with innovative teaching  for our younger martial artists. She has even developed a board game called "Budo" that can be a great teaching aid for all students and instructors.